It’s not what you do but the way you do it
Virtual rather than personal has become the way of life for much of the past year. Invitations to Zoom or Teams have replaced those to buildings, the solitude of the online waiting room has replaced the bustle of the bricks and mortar reception area. But social distancing need not remove the small thoughtful acts that enrich lives and promote relationships of trust.
Integrity, clarity and having time for each other matters more than ever. It is a year since my last proper business meeting or work-based social event. A smile is not the same when it comes from a screen and those important, private conversations at the end of a meeting do not come so easily over the phone.
The way we behave says more about us that anything. Kindness, courtesy and respect are hallmarks. We create them by our behaviour. They are our responsibility. Trust is hard won and easily lost.
These are difficult times – we all need to think about what we do, how it is received and try our hardest to make life kinder.